Steven Spielberg moved by this movie too! ?
When I was primary school student that still don’t know everything, I was shocked by this movie. We usually recognize that the capital punishment is to kill a condemned criminal by a state, but, in fact, to kill them is the work of person. I wonder if what they think when they send a criminal to the electric chair.
In 1996, the novel THE GREEN MILE (written by Stephen Edwin King) is published in America. That novel was made into a movie later and in 2000, that movie was shown in Japan too. THE GREEN MILE means a way that the condemned criminals pass on when they go to the place of execution. The story begins with an encounter between the person who work at a prison Paul (Thomas Jeffrey Hanks) and the condemned criminal John (Michael Clarke Duncan).
John was sent to prison because he killed twin sisters he has an ability to cure someone’s illness or wound so he begun to doubt his clime and suspect that he wanted to help dying twin sisters.but he was so kind and pure so Paul was thinking that he is odd. But, one day, he noticed that Polices conflicted between their duty as a police and the feeling as a person but the day when they must send him to the electric chair was drawing near・・・
“People should not hurt each other” John said in this movie. I could reconfirm difficulty of to help someone and vainness of person’s life.
Please see this movie and feel sad and painful.

When I was primary school student that still don’t know everything, I was shocked by this movie. We usually recognize that the capital punishment is to kill a condemned criminal by a state, but, in fact, to kill them is the work of person. I wonder if what they think when they send a criminal to the electric chair.
In 1996, the novel THE GREEN MILE (written by Stephen Edwin King) is published in America. That novel was made into a movie later and in 2000, that movie was shown in Japan too. THE GREEN MILE means a way that the condemned criminals pass on when they go to the place of execution. The story begins with an encounter between the person who work at a prison Paul (Thomas Jeffrey Hanks) and the condemned criminal John (Michael Clarke Duncan).
John was sent to prison because he killed twin sisters he has an ability to cure someone’s illness or wound so he begun to doubt his clime and suspect that he wanted to help dying twin sisters.but he was so kind and pure so Paul was thinking that he is odd. But, one day, he noticed that Polices conflicted between their duty as a police and the feeling as a person but the day when they must send him to the electric chair was drawing near・・・
“People should not hurt each other” John said in this movie. I could reconfirm difficulty of to help someone and vainness of person’s life.
Please see this movie and feel sad and painful.

The Author: Stephen Edwin King
American modern horror novelist. He wrote a lot of warm-hearted novels and won a lot of literary prizes. Some his novels were made into movie.
His masterpiece: The Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, Carrie, and so on.
The Film Directer: Frank Darabont
American film directer and scriptwriter.
His masterpiece: The Shawshank Redemption, The Mist, Saving Private Ryan, and so on.
The Actor:Thomas Jeffrey Hanks
American actor. He won The Academy Award for Best Actor, Emmy Award, and so on. In 1996, He was evaluated as a film directer too.

His masterpiece: The Da Vinch Code, Forrest Gump, Appollo 13, and so on.
Micheal Clarke Duncan
American actor. He won The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
American actor. He won The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

His masterpiece: Armageddon, The Scorpion King, Sin City, and so on.
1 件のコメント:
I have watched "THE GREEN MILE" two or three times. But I'm always impressed by the last scene.John Coffey...